You should be able to open the APK on your machine using a zip file manager, if you cannot then it maybe that the file is corrupt. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Change the Android Auto background with Substratum themes September 23, Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Redmi Note 8 kernel source code is now available September 20, eocd not found not zip

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By hxchillbillyJunior Member on 19th December Sorry it doesn't work. Android Ofund Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for enthusiasts and power users of the Android operating system. I have the latest SKDs updated. Thread Deleted Email Thread. I got to the adb folder in cmd and drag and dropped the makeroot. Never seen that, but from the look of error message, it sound like you are attempting to unzip makeroot.

Change the Android Auto background with Substratum themes September 23, Navigation Gestures Customizable gesture control for any Android device. Sign up or log in Sign up using Founv.

I downloaded a new one from xda and it works. Active 1 year, 4 months ago. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. I referred thisthis and this but those didn't help either. I had this same problem and it turned out just to be that the actual apk file eodd corrupt. Post as a guest Name.

Its an easy fix. Thread Deleted Email Thread Page 1 of 2 1 2. I was successful till step 2 in following that post but failed in step 3 that recommends to install com.

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Guest Quick Reply no urls or BBcode. Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. Try downloading a new one again maybe from a different source and check that you can open it as a zip file before transferring.

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EOCD not found

Eocdd Meta Zoo 9: Again, all covered in my thread that I asked you to read. Marc Thomas Marc Thomas 2 2 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. Thanks for your help. Algeo Graphing Calculator is a scientific calculator for more complex engineering and math problems September 18, Simms is way ahead of me. Thanks for the help all! I believe the issue could be because of corrupted fiund I was facing the Google Play services is not supported by your device issue.

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